Evolution is an interestingly sensitive topic when discussed with some particularly dedicated fans of a very old book. You can bring these people to a museum and walk them to the 12ft tall skeleton of a tyrannosaurus rex, and still you'll hear disgruntled mumblings of blasphemy. Did you know that the backyard chicken is the closest living relative to the t rex? It's quite a terrrifying idea really to imagine 12ft tall chickens roaming the planet. They are very clumsy, they poop quite a lot and they would most definitely eat us without prejudice or necessity for chewing. In a round about way, this leads us to some questions we have for you, as our research at The Hitchhiker's Guide to Peace has left us with little concrete information to share with you on the subject of evolution. The book of Genesis states, of course, that the waters swarmed with great sea monsters and the skies filled with every winged bird of every kind, all of which occured several "days" before the dawn of man. Is it not possible, that the ancestors of the birds we know today, such as certain dinosaurs, i.e. tyrannosaurus rex, may have been the creatures described in this book? Is it not possible that a "day" written about in the book of Genesis was actually millions of years? Is it not possible that evolution is simply a tool hanging on the pegboard in God's workshop? That the snap of the old man in the sky's fingers, the words "let there be light", and the big bang are descriptions of the same event? Are they really different descriptions? Are we here at The Hitchhiker's Guide to Peace the only ones who think "let there be light" and the big bang are awfully similar sounding occurances? Is it not possible that these things exist symbiotically? That God, Nature and the laws of science are one in the same or at least very closely related? By engaging in science to achieve a better understanding of the world around us, the world we love, are we not studying the work of God? Are we not attempting to get closer to this God person? Left only to admire these works more deeply, with both a better understanding of them and even more questions? If you ask us, as you did by opening this entry today so we could ask you, this very well may be the case.